
Aswang: Your Worst Nightmare or Just a Hungry Neighbor?

Ever heard a bump in the night and blamed it on the aswang?

Your lola probably told you stories.

Maybe she even swore it was true.

Aswang. Just the word sends shivers down your spine, right?

But what are they really?

Are they the monsters under your bed or just misunderstood creatures trying to survive?

Let’s dive into the world of aswang and separate fact from fiction.

What is an Aswang, Anyway?

Forget what you think you know.

The world of aswang is more than just scary stories.

It’s a whole tapestry of shapeshifting creatures.

They’re not just one thing, see?

Think of it like this: “aswang” is like the umbrella term.


A whole bunch of different creatures, each with its own quirks and cravings.

More Than One Monster in the Closet

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Manananggal: This is the one you’ve probably heard of. They split in half, leaving their lower body behind while their top half, complete with bat wings, goes hunting for unsuspecting victims.
  • Wakwak: Another flying fiend, but this one’s all about mimicking birds. They love the taste of human hearts and fetuses. Gruesome, right?
  • Aswang na Lubluban: These are the masters of disguise. They look just like regular people during the day, blending in with your tito and tita. But at night? They transform, craving blood and flesh.
  • Tiktik: Imagine a cross between a vampire bat and a ghoul. They make a sound like “tik-tik” before swooping down on their prey. And guess what they love? You guessed it: blood.
  • Sigbin: This creature is straight out of your nightmares. Picture a hairless, dog-like beast with a long snout, a curved spine, and an appetite for human entrails.

And that’s not even all of them.

The world of aswang is vast and varied, filled with enough creepy crawlies to fuel your nightmares for years to come.

Aswang: Fact or Fiction?

Now, you’re probably thinking, “This is all well and good, but do these things actually exist?”

It’s a question that’s been debated for centuries.

Here’s the thing:

  • No concrete evidence: No one’s ever caught an aswang on camera (at least, not one that’s been proven real). There’s no scientific evidence to back up their existence.
  • Centuries of folklore: But, and this is a big but, these stories have been passed down for generations. They’re woven into the fabric of Filipino culture. And where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire, right?

So, what’s the answer?

It all comes down to what you believe.

Are you the type who needs to see it to believe it? Or are you open to the possibility that some things can’t be explained by science?

The choice is yours.

Aswang Hunting 101: How to Protect Yourself (Just in Case)

Whether you’re a believer or a sceptic, there’s no harm in being prepared, right?

Here are a few traditional ways Filipinos have kept aswang at bay:

  • Garlic: It’s not just for vampires. The pungent smell is said to ward off all sorts of evil spirits, including aswang. Hang some on your door or windows for good measure.
  • Salt: Another pantry staple with surprising power. Sprinkle salt around your home or property to create a barrier aswang can’t cross.
  • Religious objects: Whether it’s a rosary, a crucifix, or a statue of the Santo Niño, these sacred items are believed to offer protection from evil.
  • Bawang (Garlic): The sharper, the better. Keep some handy to rub on windows and doorways.
  • Sili (Chilli peppers): Aswang hate the heat. String some up around your house.
  • Ingay (Noise): Aswang prefer the shadows. Keep your surroundings well-lit and lively to keep them away.
  • Panalangin (Prayer): Your strongest weapon. A little faith goes a long way.

Remember, these are just traditional beliefs. Their effectiveness hasn’t been scientifically proven.

But hey, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

The Aswang: More Than Just a Monster

Here’s the thing about aswang: they’re more than just scary stories.

They’re a reflection of Filipino culture, history, and beliefs.

  • Fear of the unknown: Aswang often represent the things that scare us—the darkness, the wilderness, the unknown.
  • Social commentary: Some believe aswang stories were used to warn people about dangerous individuals or to enforce social norms.
  • Cultural identity: Love them or fear them, aswang are a part of Filipino folklore. They’re part of what makes Filipino culture unique.

So, the next time you hear a bump in the night, don’t just dismiss it as an old wives’ tale.

Take a moment to appreciate the rich history and cultural significance behind the legend of the aswang.

Aswang in the Modern Age: From Folklore to Pop Culture

Aswang haven’t just stayed confined to the Philippines.

They’ve broken free from the shadows and into the global spotlight, appearing in:

  • Movies and TV shows: From indie horror flicks to international TV series, aswang are becoming the go-to creature for filmmakers looking for something unique and terrifying.
  • Books and comics: Aswang are inspiring a new generation of writers, who are reimagining these creatures for modern audiences.
  • Video games: Get ready to face your fears in virtual reality as aswang make their way into video games, offering a truly immersive and terrifying experience.

This global fascination with aswang is only growing stronger, proving that these creatures have a universal appeal that transcends cultural boundaries.

So, Are You Ready to Face the Aswang?

The world of aswang is a fascinating and terrifying one.

Whether you believe in their existence or not, there’s no denying the power of these stories.

They tap into our deepest fears, challenge our beliefs, and offer a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the Philippines.

So, the next time you hear a rustle in the leaves or a screech in the night, remember the aswang.

They’re a reminder that some things can’t be explained, and that sometimes, the most terrifying monsters are the ones we create in our own minds.