
BPI TikTok Charges Got You Shookt? Here’s What to Do!

Okay, so you just tried to buy that cute phone case from TikTok Shop, and now your BPI account is throwing a major tantrum. You see multiple charges, way more than you signed up for, and suddenly that online shopping spree feels more like a financial horror movie.

Don’t panic (yet!). This kind of thing can happen, and luckily, there are ways to fix it. Let’s break it down, step-by-step, para hindi tayo mag-freak out, okay?

What Probably Happened (Don’t Panic…Yet!)

Remember how BPI was acting up earlier? Yeah, that’s probably the culprit. Here’s the gist:

  • Technical Hiccups: Sometimes when banks do maintenance, or there’s a glitch in the Matrix (I mean, the internet), transactions can get stuck.
  • Pending Charges: Even if you only clicked “Pay” once, the system might have tried processing your payment multiple times during that tech timeout. Those extra charges? They’re likely “pending” – meaning they haven’t actually left your account yet.

7 Steps to Un-Freak Out Your Finances

  1. Screenshot Everything! Before you do anything else, take screenshots of:
    • The TikTok Shop order confirmation
    • Your BPI transaction history showing the multiple charges
  2. Contact BPI ASAP: Don’t wait for tomorrow! Call their hotline, use their online chat, or slide into their DMs (politely, of course!). Explain what happened and have your screenshots ready.
  3. Be Clear and Calm: Explain that you only made one purchase and believe you’ve been incorrectly charged. The more organized you are, the faster they can help.
  4. Don’t Spend the “Missing” Money: I know it’s tempting to assume those extra charges will disappear, but just in case, don’t touch that money for now! Better safe than sorry.
  5. Document Everything: Note down the date, time, and who you spoke with at BPI. This comes in handy if you need to follow up later.
  6. Check for Updates: BPI should investigate and reverse the extra charges. This might take a few days (ugh, I know), so keep checking your account and keep those screenshots handy!
  7. Breathe: I know dealing with banks can be stressful, but try to stay calm. You’ve taken the right steps, and things will get sorted out.

Could This Have Been Avoided? (Let’s Be Real)

Honestly? Sometimes, these things just happen. But here are a few tips to minimize the chances of a repeat performance:

  • Avoid Shopping During Peak Hours/Maintenance: If you can, try to shop online when banks aren’t doing scheduled maintenance. This information is usually posted on their website or app.
  • Double-Check Before Clicking “Pay”: I know, I know, you’re excited to get your hands on that new lipstick! But take a deep breath and make sure all the details are correct before you hit that button.

You’ve Got This!

Dealing with unexpected bank charges is never fun, but it’s important to remember you’re not alone! This kind of stuff happens, and the good news is, it’s usually fixable. So, take a deep breath, follow the steps above, and soon enough, you’ll be back to scrolling through TikTok without a financial panic attack. Happy shopping!


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