
Earthquakes, Winds, and Storms: Are the Intumbangel to Blame?

Ever felt the ground shake in Bukidnon?

Maybe a sudden gust of wind nearly knocked you off your feet?

Heard whispers about giant snakes causing chaos?

You might be thinking it’s just Mother Nature flexing her muscles. But what if I told you it could be something else entirely? Something ancient, powerful, and coiled tight in the heart of Bukidnon myths…

Let’s talk about the Intumbangel.

Intumbangel: More Than Just Snakes in Bukidnon Mythology

Forget what you think you know about snakes. We’re not talking about your garden variety slithering reptiles here. The Intumbangel are different. They’re massive, mythical serpents intertwined, male and female, living deep beneath the earth.

And they’re not just chilling down there.

The Intumbangel are believed to be the cause of:

  • Earthquakes: When they move, the earth trembles.
  • Winds: A simple exhale from these colossal creatures creates gusts of wind.
  • Storms: And if they start panting? Brace yourself for violent storms.

That’s right, the Intumbangel are basically walking, talking, (or slithering?) natural disasters.

Unpacking the Myths: What Makes the Intumbangel Tick?

Now, before you start packing your bags and fleeing Bukidnon, let’s dive deeper into these myths.

  • Why are the Intumbangel intertwined? This isn’t your typical romantic entanglement. It’s symbolic of their power, the balance of male and female energy, and their connection to the earth itself.
  • What causes them to move, breathe, and pant? Some say it’s the shifting of tectonic plates that stirs them. Others believe their actions are a response to imbalances in the world above. Whatever the reason, one thing’s clear: their actions have very real consequences.

The Manobo Twist: Guardians of the World?

The legend of the Intumbangel doesn’t end in Bukidnon. Venture into the world of the Manobo people, and you’ll find a similar serpentine being. But there’s a twist.

The Manobo believe a giant snake is entrusted with a task of epic proportions: guarding the pillar that supports the world.

Think about that for a second.

This isn’t some random monster causing mayhem. This is a creature of immense power entrusted with a vital role in maintaining the very fabric of our existence.

Separating Fact from Fiction: Can We Really Blame the Intumbangel?

So, the next time you feel the earth move or the wind pick up, should you blame it on the Intumbangel?

Well, that depends.

Are you a believer in the power of myths and legends? Do you think there are forces beyond our understanding at play in the world? Or do you prefer scientific explanations for natural phenomena?

Here’s the thing:

  • Science tells us earthquakes are caused by the shifting of tectonic plates. Winds are caused by differences in atmospheric pressure. And storms? Well, they’re a whole other meteorological marvel.
  • But myths tell a different story. They offer explanations rooted in belief, tradition, and a healthy dose of awe for the natural world.

The Intumbangel Legacy: Lessons from Mythical Serpents

Whether you believe in the literal existence of the Intumbangel or not, there’s no denying their impact on Filipino folklore. These giant serpents, intertwined and powerful, remind us of the awesome forces of nature and the importance of respecting the delicate balance of our world.

Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Nature is powerful: Earthquakes, winds, and storms are stark reminders that we are not in control. We are guests in the natural world, and we should treat it with respect.
  • Balance is essential: The intertwined nature of the Intumbangel emphasizes the importance of balance—between male and female, human and nature, destruction and creation.
  • Myths hold valuable lessons: They may not always be factually accurate, but they offer insights into the human psyche, our fears, hopes, and our relationship with the unknown.

So, the next time you hear the rumble of an earthquake, the howl of the wind, or the roar of a storm, take a moment to remember the Intumbangel. These mythical creatures, intertwined in our folklore, remind us of the raw power of nature and the enduring allure of stories that explain the unexplainable.