
Ever Feel Like You’re Running on Half a Soul? It Might Be a Multo Thing

Ever wake up feeling groggy, like a part of you is missing?

Maybe you blame the coffee, maybe the weather.

But what if it’s deeper than that?

What if it’s a Multo thing?

Multo: More Than Just Ghosts

Now, before you think I’ve gone off the deep end, “Multo” isn’t just about spooky ghosts. It’s about the very essence of you.

Think of it like this: your soul, your life force, the thing that makes you, YOU. In Filipino culture, that’s Multo territory.

Here’s the kicker: different ethnic groups in the Philippines have their own spin on this whole soul thing. And let me tell you, it gets wild.

One Person, Multiple Souls? Don’t Be So Shocked.

Forget the Western idea of one soul per customer.

We Filipinos? We roll with multiple souls.

Two, three, five – it’s like a spiritual buffet out here.

The Ifugao, for example, believe in two souls.

Then you have the Hanunoo Mangyan, rocking five souls like it’s nothing. Five!

Imagine the mental bandwidth on those guys.

Where Do These Souls Come From? It’s Complicated.

Now, where do these souls come from, you ask?

Well, that’s where things get interesting.

See, it’s all about the origin stories.

Indigenous Philippine folk religions, each one with its own unique take:

  • Some say deities hand out souls like divine party favors (looking at you, Tagbanwa).
  • Others believe souls come from special, mystical places. The Bisaya, for instance, have their own soul hotspots.

>>ALSO READ: Your Guide to Dealing With a Multo (and Not Losing Your Mind)

Soul Care: It’s Not Just About Meditation and Green Smoothies

Here’s the deal: Your physical and mental health?

They’re directly linked to the well-being of your souls (yes, plural).

It’s like a symbiotic relationship.

You take care of your body and mind, you’re essentially giving those souls a five-star spa day.

Neglect yourself, though?

Get ready for some soul-searching of the not-so-fun kind.

Feeling Lost? It Could Be a Lost Soul

Ever feel a bit off? Like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit?

That, my friend, could be a lost soul making itself known.


In many Filipino cultures, a lost soul can throw your whole system out of whack. We’re talking illness, fatigue, the whole nine yards.

And if all your souls decide to take an extended vacation? That’s when things get really real. We’re talking about the Big Sleep.

The Mekararuanan Phenomenon: Life After Soul Loss?

But here’s where it gets really interesting.

The Ibanag, they’ve got this phenomenon called Mekararuanan.

Imagine this: your body, up and running, living its best life, but your souls?

Checked out.

Gone on a permanent soul-searching retreat.

It’s like the ultimate power move – the body saying, “I got this.”

Bottom Line: Take Care of Your Souls, They’re Your Ticket to a Long Life

So, what’s the takeaway from this whirlwind tour of Filipino soul theory?

Simple: your souls matter.

They’re not just some abstract concept. They’re the essence of you, the key to a long and vibrant life.

So, eat your vegetables, get some sleep, and maybe try not to lose your souls in the process.

Trust me, your future self will thank you.