
Coding Conquests: My Hilarious Journey to Become a Web Development Master (or at Least Look Like One)

Ever since I saw that meme about web developers earning in dollars while living in the province, I was shookt. Imagine, just chilling in your bahay kubo, sipping on buko juice, while coding away and raking in the big bucks! That’s the dream, diba?

Problem is, my tech skills began and ended with MS Paint. So, “web development” sounded as foreign to me as a unicorn riding a jeepney.

But the seed was planted. The dream of becoming the ultimate techy tito/tita, the one who could build websites instead of just scrolling through them, took root.

So, like any self-respecting millennial on a mission, I turned to the internet.

Operation: Web Dev Guru (Charot!) Begins

First stop: Google. I typed in “How to become a web developer” with the confidence of someone ordering a venti iced coffee. The search results? As overwhelming as a Divisoria shopping spree.

There were articles, tutorials, bootcamps, online courses – enough to make my head spin faster than a yo-yo in the hands of a bored bata.

Where do I even begin?

Do I need to learn like, a million coding languages?

Is HTML some kind of herbal tea?

And what in the world is JavaScript – a coffee break for robots?

The struggle was real, mga ‘tol.

From Noob to (Hopefully) Not-So-Noob

After days of scouring the internet (and low-key panicking), I decided to break down this “web development” thing into bite-sized chicharon pieces.

First things first: HTML and CSS.

Apparently, these are the basic building blocks of websites. Like, HTML is the foundation and walls, while CSS is the paint, decorations, and all the things that make it look pretty. Sounds easy enough, right?

I started with free online tutorials and let me tell you, it was like learning a whole new language. Ang hirap mag-adjust! But I persevered, fueled by dreams of dollar signs and the occasional pancit canton break.

Then came JavaScript.

This one, I tell you, is a whole different beast. If HTML and CSS were like learning to bake a decent banana bread, JavaScript was like attempting to bake a multi-tiered wedding cake – with fondant sculptures and edible diamonds.

But, I reminded myself: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and this website ain’t building itself!

I practiced coding every chance I got – on the bus, during commercial breaks, even while waiting for my tita to finish her chismis. Slowly but surely, the fog began to clear.

The Ups, The Downs, and the “Wait, I Actually Did That?” Moments

Learning web development wasn’t always smooth sailing, it was more like riding a rollercoaster – with a karaoke machine on top – in the middle of a storm.

There were moments when I felt like a tech whiz, coding circles around my imaginary competition. And then there were times when I’d stare at a single line of code for hours, wondering if I’d accidentally summoned a digital dwende.

But you know what? Even with all the challenges, there was something truly exhilarating about building something from scratch, using nothing but my trusty keyboard and my ever-growing brain.

Like that time, I finally managed to center a div. You guys, I celebrated like I won the lottery! I even treated myself to a celebratory leche flan.

Because small victories deserve to be celebrated, am I right?

The Journey Continues (With Less Panic, More Power)

I’m not gonna lie, I’m still very much a work in progress. But I’m learning, I’m growing, and I’m slowly but surely building my web development skills.

Have I reached that “web dev guru” level yet? Naku, malayo pa!

But am I on my way? Definitely!

And more importantly, I’m having a blast while doing it. Who knew coding could be so… fun? (Don’t tell my younger self, who used to hide from anything remotely tech-related).

So, You Wanna Be a Web Dev Too? Tara!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this wild ride, it’s that anyone – even a technologically-challenged soul like myself – can learn web development.

Here are some tips for my fellow aspiring web devs:

  • Start Small: Don’t try to conquer the entire internet in one go (tempting, I know!). Focus on the basics – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Master those bad boys, and you’ll be well on your way.
  • Embrace the Struggle: There will be times when you want to throw your computer out the window. It’s normal. Don’t give up! Take a break, eat some pan de sal, and come back to it with fresh eyes.
  • Find Your Tribe: Join online communities, forums, or even real-life meetups. Trust me, having people who understand your pain (and your victories) makes a world of difference. Plus, it’s a great way to exchange tips, tricks, and maybe even some memes.
  • Celebrate Every Win: No matter how small, every milestone deserves a pat on the back (and maybe some halo-halo). Remember, you’re learning a valuable skill, and that’s something to be proud of.
  • Never Stop Learning: The world of web development is constantly evolving. Embrace the learning process, stay curious, and never be afraid to try new things.

So there you have it, folks! My ongoing saga to conquer the world of web development. It’s a wild, wacky, and often frustrating journey, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Who knows, maybe one day, you’ll be visiting a website I built while sipping on your own buko juice, living the dream.

Until then, happy coding!


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