
Feeling Maganda? Unpacking Filipino Beauty Standards and Self-Love

Let’s talk about something that’s been on my mind (and maybe yours too): feeling attractive. Do you ever look in the mirror and think, “Wow, ang ganda ko naman!” Or do you find yourself focusing on what you’d like to change? We’re diving deep into Filipino beauty standards and how we can learn to love the skin we’re in. Tara na!

What Makes Someone Attractive in the Philippines?

Growing up in the Philippines, we’re surrounded by certain ideas of what’s considered “maganda” or “guwapo.” From fair skin and pointed noses to tall figures and long, flowing hair, these Filipino beauty standards can sometimes feel like a lot to live up to.

  • Media Influence on Filipino Beauty Standards: Think about the actresses and models we see on TV and in magazines. Often, they represent a very specific type of beauty. This can make it hard not to compare ourselves and wonder if we measure up to these beauty standards in the Philippines.
  • Family and Cultural Expectations: Even within our families, we might hear comments about our appearance. “Ang puti mo naman!” or “Kailangan mo magpapayat.” These comments, while often well-intentioned, can contribute to our own insecurities about Filipino beauty expectations.

So, Do You Consider Yourself Attractive?

That’s the million-peso question, diba? And the answer is deeply personal. Here’s the thing: attractiveness is subjective. What one person finds beautiful, another might not. And that’s okay!

  • Embracing Your Unique Features: Instead of focusing on what we think we lack based on Filipino beauty standards, what if we celebrated what makes us unique? Maybe it’s your warm smile, your expressive eyes, or your infectious laugh. These are the things that truly make you, YOU.
  • Inner Beauty vs. Outer Appearance: Remember the saying, “Beauty is only skin deep?” While taking care of our physical appearance is important, true beauty shines from within. Kindness, compassion, and a good heart are just as attractive, if not more so, than any physical attribute.

5 Tips to Boost Your Confidence and Feel More Attractive

Okay, so maybe you’re not feeling super attractive right now. That’s okay! We all have those days. Here are a few tips to help you boost your confidence and embrace your inner ganda:

  1. Practice Self-Care: This could mean anything from taking a relaxing bath to indulging in a face mask. Taking care of yourself physically can make you feel better mentally and emotionally, too. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential!
  2. Focus on Your Strengths: Instead of dwelling on what you perceive as flaws, make a list of your best qualities. Are you a good listener? Are you creative? Focus on the things you love about yourself, both inside and out.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive People: The people we spend time with can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves. Surround yourself with friends and family who uplift you and make you feel good.
  4. Challenge Negative Thoughts: When those negative thoughts creep in (and they will!), challenge them. Ask yourself, “Is this thought really true?” Often, we’re much harder on ourselves than we would be on anyone else.
  5. Celebrate Your Culture: Embrace the beauty of Filipino culture and all its diversity. We have a rich heritage of beauty that goes beyond physical appearance. From our traditional clothing to our vibrant music and dance, there’s so much to be proud of.

Beyond Beauty Standards: Finding Self-Love and Acceptance

Ultimately, feeling attractive comes from within. It’s about self-love and acceptance. It’s about recognizing that you are worthy and valuable, just as you are. Forget those unrealistic beauty standards in the Philippines and focus on being the best version of yourself.


  • You are beautiful in your own way.
  • There is no one definition of beauty.
  • Your worth is not determined by your appearance.
  • Embrace your unique features and celebrate your individuality.
  • Focus on inner beauty as well as outer appearance.

Let’s Talk!

What are your thoughts on Filipino beauty standards? How do you define attractiveness? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let’s create a supportive community where we can all feel confident and empowered in our own skin.

And remember, mga kaibigan, you are all maganda and guwapo in your own special way! Mwah!


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