
Hoy Pinoy and Pinay! Who Run the Philippines Now? A Look at Our Presidents, Then and Now

Let’s get real, mga kababayan! Ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering, “Sino nga ba yung current president natin?” You’re chilling with the barkada, maybe after a karaoke session, and someone throws out a question about Philippine politics. Bigla kang natameme. Don’t worry, happens to the best of us!

Keeping up with who’s in charge can be tougher than finding real silog in a foreign country. But understanding our country’s leadership, both past and present, is key to knowing where we’re headed.

So, let’s break it down, pare. Simpler than lumpia wrappers, I promise. We’re diving deep into the world of Philippine presidents, from the last guy to the current top dog. Get ready for some history, some laughs, and hopefully, some “Aha!” moments along the way.

The Last Guy: Rodrigo Roa Duterte, aka Digong (2016-2022)

First up, let’s rewind a bit. Before we talk about the now, we gotta revisit the recent past. Enter Rodrigo Duterte, more popularly known as Digong or RRD. This guy was a character, no doubt.

  • The Tough-Talking Mayor Turned President: Duterte came onto the national scene after decades as the mayor of Davao City. He built a reputation as a tough-talking, crime-fighting leader, and that resonated with Filipinos hungry for change.
  • The War on Drugs: This was the defining issue of Duterte’s presidency. He promised a crackdown on illegal drugs, and he wasn’t kidding. While supporters praised his tough stance, critics condemned the alleged human rights violations that came with it.
  • Shifting Alliances: Duterte wasn’t afraid to shake things up on the international stage either. He cozied up to China while distancing himself from traditional allies like the United States.
  • A Legacy of Change and Controversy: Love him or hate him, Duterte left a lasting mark on the Philippines. His supporters point to his infrastructure projects and strong stance on crime. His critics argue that his methods were often heavy-handed and that he eroded democratic institutions.

The Big Man Now: Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr., aka Bongbong (2022-Present)

Fast forward to today, and we’ve got a new (well, kinda new) face in Malacañang Palace: Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., son of the late president Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

  • The Return of a Name: Bongbong Marcos’s election marked the return of the Marcos family to the highest office in the land, more than three decades after his father’s regime ended in a people power revolution.
  • From Governor to Senator to President: Bongbong has held various political posts over the years, serving as a governor, senator, and even losing a vice presidential bid in 2016.
  • Continuing the Family Legacy?: It’s still early in his term, but many are watching to see how Bongbong Marcos Jr. will govern and whether he’ll continue his father’s policies or forge his own path.
  • Facing Familiar Challenges: Bongbong has inherited a country still grappling with poverty, inequality, and corruption. How he tackles these issues will define his presidency.

Okay, But Who Were the Others?

Hold up! Before you think it’s all just been Dutertes and Marcoses running the show, let’s give a shout-out to the other presidents who’ve led the Philippines in recent times:

  • Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998): Known for his economic reforms and efforts to bring peace to Mindanao. Remembered for that iconic “Steady Eddie” persona.
  • Joseph Ejercito Estrada (1998-2001): A former action star turned politician, his presidency was cut short by impeachment due to corruption allegations.
  • Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001-2010): The country’s second female president, she focused on economic growth but also faced accusations of corruption and human rights abuses.
  • Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III (2010-2016): Son of democracy icons Corazon Aquino and Ninoy Aquino. His presidency was marked by economic progress and anti-corruption efforts.

So What’s a Pinoy or Pinay To Do?

Knowing your presidents is just the tip of the lumpia, mga kaibigan! Here’s how to stay woke about Philippine politics:

  • Read Up, Pare: Don’t just rely on Facebook posts or chismis. Check out reputable news sources and government websites for reliable info.
  • Engage in Healthy Discussions: Talk about politics with your family and friends. Share your thoughts, listen to different perspectives, but keep it respectful, ha?
  • Exercise Your Right to Vote: This is the big one! Your voice matters. Do your research, choose wisely, and make your vote count in every election.

Remember This…

Philippine politics is a wild ride, full of twists and turns that would put any teleserye to shame. But staying informed and engaged is crucial. After all, the decisions these presidents make directly impact our lives. So, let’s keep learning, questioning, and working towards a better future for the Philippines.