
Kasili: The World Serpent of Philippine Mythology Chilling Under the Ocean

Ever feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Like some giant snake is squeezing the life out of everything?

Well, for the Eugpamolak Manobo people of the Philippines, that’s not just a saying. They believe in Kasili, a massive fish-like serpent so huge it wraps around the entire world!

Yup, you read that right. A world-sized serpent.

Kasili: More Than Just a Big Snake

We’re talking about a creature so large, its coils hold the Earth in place. Earthquakes? Typhoons? Those are just Kasili shifting in its sleep.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “A giant snake? Sounds like something out of Greek mythology.” And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong.

Cultures all over the globe have their own versions of world serpents, from Jörmungandr in Norse mythology to Aido Hwedo of the Dahomey people. It’s a pretty common theme.

But Kasili is different.

This ain’t just some mindless monster waiting to swallow the world. Kasili is a fundamental part of creation itself, brought to life by the big man upstairs himself, Manama.

☛Also read: Earthquakes? Blame the Giant Crab: Meet Kayumang, the Crustacean Causing Chaos!

Manama, Kalayagan, and the Birth of Kasili

For the Bagobo people of Mindanao, Manama (also known as Kalayagan) is the top dog, the supreme deity, the ultimate creator. He’s the one who brought everything into existence, including our serpentine friend, Kasili.

See, according to Bagobo mythology, Manama crafted the world out of a giant ball of mud. But he needed something to keep it all together, something to prevent it from crumbling back into chaos.

Enter Kasili.

Manama created this colossal serpent, part fish, part snake, and gave it one job: to coil around the world and keep everything nice and snug.

No pressure, right?

Kasili: Keeping it Together, One Coil at a Time

Think of Kasili as the ultimate rubber band holding your messy desk drawer together. Without it, everything falls apart.

That’s why earthquakes are such a big deal. When Kasili moves, even slightly, it sends shockwaves across the globe. Typhoons? That’s just Kasili taking a deep breath.

It’s a powerful reminder that we’re all living on borrowed time, at the mercy of forces far greater than ourselves. Kind of humbling, when you think about it.

Kasili and the Importance of Balance

But Kasili’s story isn’t just about raw power and destruction. It’s also a story about balance.

See, Manama didn’t create Kasili to terrify people. He created it out of necessity. The world needed Kasili to exist, to hold everything in check.

It’s a delicate balance, this dance between creation and destruction. One wrong move and everything goes kaput.

And that’s a lesson we can all take to heart. We all have a role to play in maintaining balance, in our own lives and in the world around us.

More Than Just a Myth: Kasili’s Legacy

Kasili might be a mythical creature, but its story has real-world implications.

For the Eugpamolak Manobo and Bagobo people, Kasili is a reminder of the awesome power of nature and the importance of respecting the delicate balance of the world.

It’s a belief system that has helped these communities live in harmony with their environment for centuries.

And in a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, maybe it’s time we all started paying attention to ancient wisdom.

Who knows, maybe Kasili is down there right now, holding it all together, waiting for us to finally get our act together.