
My Everest: Conquering the Ivory Keys (And Not Just By Spilling My Coffee On Them)

Ever since I was a kid, eh, there’s this one thing that always makes my jaw drop, eyes pop out like I saw a manananggal in broad daylight – people playing the piano.

The way their fingers dance across the keys, effortlessly weaving magic into the air, parang mga sorcerers summoning musical spirits. Iba talaga! I swear, I’d sit there mesmerized, imagining myself doing the same, a grand piano under a spotlight, me in a shimmering gown (or maybe a tuxedo, haven’t decided yet) – a true concert pianist!

Except, life happened.

From Daydreaming to… Dusting?

Years flew by faster than a tita chasing a gossip item. Responsibilities piled up thicker than traffic on EDSA during rush hour. And that dream? Well, it got tucked away, buried under to-do lists, deadlines, and the occasional kilig from K-dramas.

But deep down, it never really went away, you know?

That yearning, that feeling na “Kaya ko ‘to, I can do this!” whenever I hear someone tickling the ivories. Hay nako, the struggle is real.

So why haven’t I taken the plunge? Well, grab a comfy seat, my friend, and let’s dive into the hilarious, and slightly embarrassing, reasons:

The Roadblocks to My Piano Prodigy Dreams:

  1. Time, or the Lack Thereof:

Between work, family, and maintaining a semblance of a social life, “free time” has become this mythical creature I hear whispers of but never actually encounter. Parang unicorn, you know?

  • I imagine myself practicing scales diligently every day. In reality? I’m lucky if I remember to water my plants.
  1. Fear, My Constant Companion:

Remember that feeling when you were a kid called up to recite in front of the class? Multiply that by a hundred, add a dash of self-doubt, and you get my feelings about playing the piano in front of, well, anyone.

  • What if I sound like a cat walking on the keyboard?
  • What if my fingers trip over each other like I’m playing patintero with the keys?
  • And the ultimate fear: What if I’m just plain… not good?
  1. The Money Pit of Musical Instruments:

Let’s face it, pianos aren’t exactly cheap. They’re an investment, and not the “buy-one-take-one” kind either.

  • I can already picture my bank account weeping softly every time I walk past a music store.
  • And don’t even get me started on the cost of lessons! I can already hear my wallet screaming “Noooo!” from here.

But Maybe, Just Maybe…

Despite all these obstacles, there’s a tiny, persistent voice inside me whispering, “What if?”.

What if I actually tried? What if I stopped making excuses and finally gave myself permission to pursue this lifelong dream?

It’s time to channel my inner Darna and shout…

“Ding, Ang Bato!”

Because you know what? Life’s too short to be filled with “what ifs”. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from all those telenovelas I’ve watched, it’s that you gotta fight for what you want, even if it seems impossible.

So, here’s to new beginnings, awkward first lessons, and hopefully, one day, beautiful music. Wish me luck!

(And if you see me performing at the Cultural Center of the Philippines someday, just act surprised, okay?)

From Pangarap to Piano Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide to (Finally) Learning

Okay, so I’ve identified the problem. Now what? Time to channel my inner Marie Kondo and tackle this dream, one carefully planned step at a time.

Step 1: Accepting My Inner Beginner

Remember that fear of looking silly? Time to embrace it like a long-lost tita at a family reunion! Everyone starts somewhere, and nobody magically transforms into a piano virtuoso overnight.

  • I need to ditch the pressure of being perfect right away. It’s okay to sound a bit rough around the edges, like a karaoke session after one too many Red Horse beers.
  • Time to embrace the learning curve, even if it looks more like a learning zigzag at first.

Step 2: Finding My Piano Soulmate (On a Budget)

Remember that whole “pianos are expensive” dilemma? Well, fret no more, my friend! There are ways to navigate the treacherous waters of musical instrument acquisition without completely emptying your bank account.

  • Secondhand Serenade: Websites like [insert local buy-and-sell platforms here] are a treasure trove of pre-loved instruments just waiting for a new home (and hopefully not haunted by the ghosts of frustrated pianists past).
  • Digital Delights: Digital pianos offer the sound and feel of the real deal without the hefty price tag. Plus, you can practice with headphones, sparing your neighbours from your initial (and hopefully temporary) musical misadventures.
  • Rental Romance: Not ready for a serious commitment? No problem! Many music stores offer rental programs, perfect for testing the waters (or keys, in this case) before diving in headfirst.

Step 3: The Thrill of the Hunt… for the Perfect Teacher:

Now, we all know that self-learning is all the rage these days (thanks, YouTube!). But let’s be real, having a dedicated mentor can make all the difference. Think of it like having a fairy godmother (or godfather) guiding you through the magical (and sometimes frustrating) world of piano playing.

  • Word-of-Mouth Wonders: Time to tap into that network of titos, titas, and everyone in between! You never know who might have a connection to a piano teacher extraordinaire.
  • Online Oasis: Websites like [insert local music teacher platforms here] are like dating apps for students and music instructors. Swipe right on profiles that resonate with you (figuratively, of course!) and find your perfect musical match.

Step 4: Operation: Practice Makes… Progress (Not Perfect!)

Here comes the real challenge – carving out time in my jam-packed schedule for consistent practice. No more excuses about being too busy!

  • Schedule Showdown: Time to channel my inner planner and block off dedicated practice time in my calendar. Treat it like an important meeting… that I actually enjoy attending!
  • Mini Musical Escapes: Who says practice sessions have to be long and gruelling? Even short bursts of 15-20 minutes can work wonders. Think of it like a quick mental vacation, but with more arpeggios and less Instagram scrolling.

Step 5: Celebrating the Small Victories (and Laughing at the Epic Fails)

This journey won’t be all sunshine and perfectly executed sonatas. There will be bumps along the way, moments of frustration, and maybe even a few tears (hopefully just from the emotional power of the music).

  • Progress Over Perfection: It’s time to shift my focus from achieving flawlessness to acknowledging how far I’ve come. Each correctly played note, each mastered chord, is a victory worth celebrating.
  • Finding Humour in the Missteps: Remember, even the greatest musicians started somewhere. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, why not laugh them off? After all, a little bit of self-deprecation never hurt anyone.

So there you have it – my roadmap to finally conquering the piano! It might not be easy, but hey, nothing worthwhile ever is. The important thing is that I’m finally taking that first step, and that’s something to be proud of.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a piano… and a whole lot of determination. Wish me luck!


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