
My Everest: Conquering the Mighty Cross Stitch (And Maybe Avoiding My Phone For Once)

Alam mo yung feeling na parang laging may humihila sayo?

Yung tipong, kakaupo mo lang, tapos biglang ting! May nag-message. Tapos scroll ka na naman ng scroll, like and comment dito, share doon.

Hay nako, the struggle is real, diba?

Lately, I’ve been craving something…different. Something analog. Something that involves less blue light and more, I don’t know, peace?

Enter: my lifelong fascination with crafts.

Specifically, embroidery.

Cross-stitch, to be exact.

Yeah, I know, parang pang-lola. But there’s something so mesmerizing about it, you know? The meticulous stitching, the colorful threads, the way a blank canvas slowly transforms into a work of art.

Parang magic, but with more thread and less questionable chanting.

Why Cross-Stitch Makes My Heart Skip a Thread (Get it?)

Okay, maybe “skip a thread” is a bit much. But seriously, here’s why I’m drawn to this whole cross-stitch thing:

  • It’s the perfect digital detox. Imagine: me, curled up in a sunny corner, needle in hand, just vibing with my thoughts (or lack thereof). No notifications, no doomscrolling, just pure, unadulterated focus. Sounds pretty good, right?
  • Hello, creativity! There’s something so satisfying about creating something with your own two hands. It’s like baking, but with less sugar and more stabbing (in a good way, I swear!). Plus, imagine the bragging rights. “Oh, this old thing? Yeah, I made it myself.” Hair flip.
  • Stress? Never heard of her. They say cross-stitch is therapeutic, and honestly, I’m ready to trade in my adult coloring book for the real deal. I’m picturing myself, zen as a Buddhist monk, just stitching away my stress with every X.

From Daydreaming to Doing: Operation Cross-Stitch Begins!

So, I’ve established that I’m obsessed. Now what? Well, obviously, I need a plan. And what’s a plan without a healthy dose of overthinking and online shopping?

Step 1: Gathering the Arsenal (Aka, Time for a Shopping Spree!)

First things first, I need supplies. And by supplies, I mean a whole haul of colorful threads, needles, and enough fabric to make a T’boli tapestry jealous.

Time to unleash my inner Tito and head to the nearest craft store! I can already see it: me, surrounded by mountains of embroidery floss, carefully selecting the perfect shades like an artist choosing their paint.

Of course, I’ll also need a beginner-friendly pattern. Because let’s be real, I’m not about to attempt a hyperrealistic portrait of the Obando Fertility Dancers on my first try. Maybe something simple to start, like a cute little kalamansi or a majestic Philippine eagle…you know, basic stuff.

Step 2: Embracing My Inner Lola (Minus the Judgement)

Next up: the actual learning part. Now, I have two options here:

  • Option A: YouTube University. Hello, free education! I can already see myself falling down the rabbit hole of embroidery tutorials, going from “How to Thread a Needle” to “Advanced Cross-Stitch Techniques for Creating Photorealistic Masterpieces” in the span of one afternoon.
  • Option B: Finding My Craft Guru. Maybe I need a more hands-on approach. Imagine a seasoned tita, patiently guiding me through the basics, sharing her wisdom (and maybe some chicharon) along the way. It’s like a scene straight out of a feel-good Pinoy movie, but with more thread and less karaoke.

Step 3: From Zero to Cross-Stitch Hero (Or At Least Someone Who Can Hold a Needle)

Okay, this is where the real challenge begins. Time to put my newfound knowledge (and shopping haul) to the test!

I’m anticipating some initial struggles, of course. Tangled threads, accidental knots, maybe even a pricked finger or two (hopefully not, though. Bloodstains are not a good look on embroidery, or anything, really).

But hey, that’s all part of the process, right? They say patience is a virtue, and by the looks of it, I’m about to become the most virtuous person on the planet.

The Ultimate Goal: More Than Just Pretty Stitches

Now, you might be thinking: “Girl, this is a lot of effort for a hobby.” And you’re not wrong. But here’s the thing: it’s about more than just the final product.

  • It’s about disconnecting to reconnect. In a world that’s constantly demanding our attention, cross-stitch is my way of hitting the pause button. It’s about slowing down, being present in the moment, and appreciating the simple things.
  • It’s about proving something to myself. Look, I’m not saying I’m going to quit my day job and become the next big name in the cross-stitch world (though, if the opportunity presents itself…). But if I can master this one thing, who knows what else I can do?
  • It’s about the stories behind the stitches. Imagine, years from now, I can pull out my cross-stitch creations and say, “I made this during that one lockdown when everyone was baking sourdough bread” or “This one reminds me of that time I tried to learn cross-stitch and almost poked my eye out.” They’ll be like little embroidered time capsules of my life.

So yeah, maybe I’m romanticizing it a bit. But hey, a girl can dream, right?

Besides, even if my cross-stitch journey ends up being a hilarious disaster, at least I’ll have a good story to tell. And who knows, maybe I’ll even manage to stay off my phone for five minutes.

Now that’s something worth stitching about.


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