
Sibbaranguyan: This Giantess Chose Kindness (and Snacks) Over Cannibalism

Ever feel lost?

Like you’re wandering around with no clue how to get where you’re going?

Yeah, me too.

But imagine this: You’re not just lost in some unfamiliar city. You’re lost in a world where giants roam free, and some of them, well, let’s just say they prefer their meat “human-style.”


That’s the situation our buddy, an Isnag man (no name in the legend, just “Isnag man” – tough break, buddy), found himself in. Lucky for him, he stumbled upon Sibbaranguyan, a giantess with a heart bigger than her appetite (and trust me, with giants, that’s saying something).

Who is Sibbaranguyan?

Sibbaranguyan is no ordinary giantess. She’s not out there terrorizing villages or snacking on unsuspecting travelers.

  • Gentle Giantess: This lady is all about kindness. Think of her as the “mom friend” of the giants – always ready with a helping hand, a warm meal, and a safe place to crash (even if that “safe place” is a giant-sized hut).
  • Protector of the Lost: She’s got a soft spot for wayward souls, especially humans who find themselves on the wrong side of the food chain (literally).
  • Loyal Wife: Okay, here’s the catch. Sibbaranguyan is married. And her husband? Let’s just say he doesn’t share her “vegetarian” lifestyle. More on that later…

The Isnag Man and the Giantess

So there’s our Isnag man, lost and probably terrified, when he comes across Sibbaranguyan. She takes one look at this tiny human (and let’s be real, to her, he’s probably the size of a squirrel) and what does she do?

She takes him in.

No questions asked.

She feeds him, gives him shelter, the whole nine yards. Basically, she treats him like the unexpected houseguest who shows up right before dinner (you know, the one you gotta pretend you’re thrilled to see).

The Husband Problem (and the Solution)

Now, remember how I mentioned Sibbaranguyan’s husband? Yeah, he’s the elephant (or should I say, giant) in the room.

He’s a traditional giant, see? And by “traditional,” I mean he likes his humans like he likes his meat: fresh.

Sibbaranguyan knows this. She knows if her hubby finds out she’s harboring a human, it’ll be “dinner and a show” – and not in a good way.

So, what does this quick-thinking giantess do? She hides the Isnag man.


I don’t know the legend doesn’t say. Maybe in a giant clay pot, under a mountain of leaves, or behind her earlobe (hey, giants have big ears, it’s a possibility).

The point is, she keeps him safe.

A Giant Act of Kindness (and Directions)

Eventually, Sibbaranguyan’s husband, none the wiser about the human appetizer hiding in his own home, heads out. Maybe he went to a “How to Spot a Delicious Human” seminar or something.

Either way, with her husband gone, Sibbaranguyan sees her chance. She doesn’t just show the Isnag man the door; she walks him through the forest, giving him directions – giantess-style directions, of course, probably involving landmarks like “Turn left at the giant footprint filled with rainwater” and “Keep going until you smell the Manananggal’s durian breath.”

And just like that, the Isnag man is back on track, safe and sound, thanks to the kindness of a giantess who chose compassion over a quick and easy meal.

The Takeaway?

Even in a world of giants and monsters, kindness can prevail. And sometimes, the scariest-looking creatures are the ones who’ll offer you the biggest piece of whatever they’re having for dinner (figuratively speaking, of course. Unless you’re into that sort of thing, no judgment here).