
The Strumming, Slamming, Stock Market Symphony of My Dreams

Ever get this feeling? Like there’s a whole orchestra inside you, but you only know how to play the triangle? That’s me, pare. Except instead of instruments, it’s these big, bombastic LIFE SKILLS I’m dying to master.

Three things, specifically:

  • Guitar: Imagine, serenading your crush with more than just “Bahay Kubo.”
  • Wrestling/Grappling: Channel my inner Agila (that’s “Eagle” for you non-Tagalog speakers). Not to be astig or anything, just, you know, confidence!
  • Business School Smarts: Turning dreams into empires, not just daydreaming about winning the lotto.

Part 1: The Six-Stringed Siren Song

Listen, I love OPM as much as the next Pinoy. But there’s something about the guitar, man. It’s soulful like Freddie Aguilar, romantic like Sharon Cuneta in her prime.

Problem is, life’s been a bit of a “My Heart Will Go On” situation – aka, more Titanic soundtrack than sweet serenade.

  • Time, Pare, Time: Between the daily grind and surviving Manila traffic, finding spare hours feels like discovering hidden treasure.
  • “Easy to Learn, Hard to Master” Curse: Yeah, I’ve strummed a few chords, impressed my Titos at family reunions. But then you see these guitar gods online, shredding like their fingers are possessed. Discouraged? Slight understatement.
  • Gear Envy: From vintage Gibsons to those sleek electrics, the rabbit hole is deep. My wallet weeps just thinking about it.

But here’s the thing: I still catch myself watching guitar tutorials late at night. Dreaming of the day I can finally play “Anak” without messing up the timing. Maybe this year, I finally bite the bullet, find a teacher, and embrace the struggle.

Part 2: Grappling with My Inner Grappler

Okay, this one might sound weird. I’m built more like a lumpia wrapper than Manny Pacquiao, let’s be real. But there’s always been this fascination with wrestling, judo, jiu-jitsu – basically, anything that involves controlled chaos on the mat.

Why? Let me break it down:

  • Discipline and Respect: Martial arts are about way more than just fighting. It’s about honing your mind AND body. Learning respect, strategy, and pushing your limits.
  • Confidence Boost, Please: Let’s be honest, who couldn’t use a little more self-assurance? Knowing you can handle yourself if things go south? Priceless.
  • The Ultimate Stress Reliever: Instead of bottling up Manila traffic frustration, imagine channeling it into a perfectly executed takedown. Cathartic, right?

So why haven’t I signed up at the local gym yet? Fear, my friend. Fear of looking silly, of getting tossed around like a ragdoll. But then again, isn’t that how everyone starts? Maybe this is the year I trade my fear for a gi and finally step onto the mat.

Part 3: The MBA Fantasy (Minus the Debt, Ideally)

Ah, the world of business. Where sharp suits meet even sharper minds, and fortunes are made (or lost, let’s be real). The strategic thinking, the innovation, the potential to build something from the ground up…it’s exhilarating.

Now, I’m not talking about becoming the next Henry Sy. More like, gaining the knowledge to:

  • Manage My Finances Like a Boss: No more “Where did my salary go?” moments. Budgeting, investing, understanding the stock market – adulting, but make it make sense.
  • Turn My Passions into Profits: Maybe it’s finally launching that food blog I’ve been dreaming of, or starting a small online business. The possibilities feel endless.
  • Become Fluent in “Business Speak”: You know, confidently navigating meetings, negotiating deals, and actually understanding what “synergy” REALLY means.

So, why am I still hesitant to dive into the world of MBAs?

  • The Price Tag, Man: Let’s just say, business schools aren’t exactly known for their “Buy 1 Take 1” promos.
  • The Time Commitment: Juggling a full-time job with those intense MBA schedules? My brain hurts just thinking about it.
  • The Fear of Not Being “Businessy” Enough: Do you need to be a math whiz or a spreadsheet ninja to thrive in the business world? Asking for a friend (who’s totally me).

But here’s the thing: Learning doesn’t always have to mean traditional classrooms and hefty tuition fees. There are online courses, business books, mentorships – a whole world of knowledge waiting to be unlocked.

So, What’s Next?

The truth is, life’s too short to be haunted by “what ifs” and unplayed melodies. Maybe I won’t become a guitar hero, a jiu-jitsu champion, or the next big CEO overnight. But maybe, just maybe, taking that first step, no matter how small, is all it takes to transform those dreams into a reality.

Who knows, maybe one day, I’ll be writing a blog post about how mastering the guitar riff in “Bohemian Rhapsody” taught me the importance of strategic business planning, all while executing a flawless armbar.

A guy can dream, can’t he?


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