
Your Guide to Dealing With a Multo (and Not Losing Your Mind)

Ever felt a chill down your spine even when it’s hotter than Taho in Manila?

Heard weird noises at night that made you question your sanity?

You might be dealing with a multo.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We Filipinos, we’ve been dealing with these supernatural beings for centuries.

This isn’t your Lola’s “don’t-go-out-at-night” talk. This is about understanding what a multo really is and how to handle those unwanted paranormal house guests.

What Makes a Multo, a Multo?

Let’s get one thing straight: a multo is a ghost. Plain and simple.

They’re the spirits of the dead, hanging around in the land of the living.

Maybe they have unfinished business.

Maybe they’re just lonely.

Whatever their deal is, they can be a real pain in the aswang.

Multo Types: It’s Not a One-Size-Fits-All Situation

Think all ghosts are the same? Think again! Multo come in a variety of flavours, each with their own M.O.

1. The Classic White Lady: This is your go-to multo, often spotted in white dresses, mourning lost love or seeking revenge. Think Maria from that one teleserye.

2. The Creepy Kid: Children are especially susceptible to becoming multo, especially if they died tragically. These spirits often just want to play, but their idea of fun might not be your cup of tea.

3. The Angry Spirit: These multo are pissed off, and they want everyone to know it. Expect poltergeist activity, disembodied voices, and a general feeling of unease around them.

4. The Lost Soul: This is your friendly neighbourhood multo just wandering around, unsure of how to move on. They might not mean any harm, but their presence can still be unsettling.

>>Also read: Ever Feel Like You’re Running on Half a Soul? It Might Be a Multo Thing

Signs You Might Have a Multo Roommate

Before you call the nearest albularyo, let’s look at some tell-tale signs you’re dealing with a multo:

  • Unexplained Cold Spots: Suddenly feeling cold in a specific area? That’s prime multo real estate. They love chilling (literally) in specific spots.
  • Electronics Going Haywire: Lights flickering? TV changing channels on its own? Appliances mysteriously turning on? Multo love messing with electronics. It’s their way of saying “Hello.” Or maybe “Get out.”
  • Weird Noises at Night: Footsteps, whispers, disembodied voices— these are all classic multo moves, especially when everyone’s supposed to be asleep.
  • Objects Moving on Their Own: Stuff disappearing and reappearing? Things falling off shelves for no reason? Yep, a multo might be playing tricks on you.
  • Bad Vibes, Man: Ever walked into a room and felt an overwhelming sense of dread, sadness, or anger? That’s a multo, altering the energy around them.

Don’t Panic! How to Deal With a Multo Like a Pro

Having a multo in your space isn’t ideal, but it’s not the end of the world. Here’s how to handle the situation:

1. Acknowledge Their Presence: Pretending the multo doesn’t exist will only piss them off. Acknowledge their presence respectfully, maybe even light a candle for them.

2. Set Boundaries: This is your space, not theirs. Let them know you mean them no harm, but they need to chill out and stop with the spooky shenanigans.

3. Call in the Big Guns: If things are getting out of hand, don’t be afraid to call in an expert. An albularyo, a priest, or a spiritual healer can help guide the multo towards the light.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Move: Look, sometimes multo are stubborn. If they’re making your life a living horror movie, it might be time to consider moving to a new place— preferably one without any unwanted ghostly roommates.

Living in Harmony (Or At Least Co-Existing)

Remember, not all multo are out to get you. Some are just lost souls trying to find their way.

By understanding them and treating them with respect (and a healthy dose of caution), you can co-exist peacefully… or at least avoid making them angry enough to haunt you for eternity.

Stay safe, and remember: when in doubt, leave the lights on!